Sunday, 9 May 2021

Mother's Day Blessings

 Happy Mother's Day.

Today, I am thinking about and praying for all the mothers who are hard core socially distanced from their families today, mothers who are in nursing homes, hospitals, and Covid wards where hugs and kisses and "I love you" can't reach them. 

Today, I am praying for all their families who feel helpless, hopeless and frustrated because of the lockdown restrictions and the pandemic, in general.

Today, I am remembering all the mothers who are not with us physically but whose spirits still watch over us.

For those of us fortunate enough to be with our mothers and our children because they are in our primary social bubbles, let us give a huge thanks to Our Creator from a deeply grateful heart.

I would love to know how you are all spending this Mother's Day and what is in your hearts and thoughts. Have you found creative ways to connect? Last Mother's Day was difficult for me because I caught Covid while I was overseas and I was cut off from my family and friends for many moons. 

Having Zoom (and being able to see my mother's face on screen) saved my sanity (or what was left of it) during quarantine and long, moody, fearful periods isolation. 

Was it better than normal? Of course not. Did it help? Yeppers.

I really care about all of you and hope that this day will find you some peace and joy.

--Gee Gee 💗