Saturday, 12 March 2016

The Health Benefits of Cayenne Pepper

The Health Benefits of Cayenne Pepper
  • Anti-Irritant Properties. ...
  • Anti-Cold and Flu Agent. ...
  • Anti-Fungal Properties. ...
  • Migraine Headache Prevention. ...
  • Anti-Allergen. ...
  • Digestive Aid. ...
  • Anti-Redness Properties. ...
  • Helps Produce Saliva.
  • Useful for blood clots
  • Detox support
  • Joint pain reliever
  • Anti bacterial properties
  • Possible anti cancer agent
  • Supports weight loss
  • Promotes heart health
  • Remedy for toothache
  • Topical remedy


  1. P.C. Agarwal, Usha Dev, Baleshwar Singh, Indra Rani, Dinesh Chand, R.K. Khetarpal. Seed-borne fungi identified from exotic pepper (Capsicum spp.) germplasm samples introduced during 1976–2005. PGR Newsletter – Bioversity. issue. 149, pp.39-42.
  2. Urashima M, Segawa T, Okazaki M, Kurihara M, Wada Y, Ida H. Randomized trial of vitamin D supplementation to prevent seasonal influenza A in schoolchildren. Am J Clin Nutr. 2010 May;91(5):1255-60. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.2009.29094. Epub 2010 Mar 10.
For more information:

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Cute Easter Ideas

I just thought I would pass these nifty ideas along...

Deviled chicks.
Get it?

For those of you who do the Easter egg hunt. This will prevent kids fighting over the candies they find.

Rice Cripsy Nests. 
I actually made them last year.

Table decor from

Monday, 7 March 2016

Hurry Up Summer!

Is anyone else sick of winter? I'm so sick of it that I think I've developed a legitimate allergy to it. Whenever it snows, I break out in hives. 
I can't wait for warm air, sunshine beating down on my cold bones and thawing them out, not having to wrap up in heavy coats and boots, being able to open all the windows in the house and GROWING MY OWN HERBS AND VEGETABLES AGAIN!
This is a picture of my back porch last summer and some of my herbs and veggies.
Sadly, some of them became an all-you-can-eat buffet for the neighbourhood raccoons, but what are you gonna do?  
Living in the country is not as glamorous as you would think. I love animals as much as Jane Goodall, but when I am greeted to a pile of raccoon plop on my door step every morning, makes me a little cranky.

GeeGee's Indian Potato Fritters

I just love science, don't you? 
But not the kind we had to learn at school. 
Don't tell anyone but I skipped more chemistry classes than I attended and as for biology...dissecting frogs wasn't my thing.

I love the kind of magical science that happens in the kitchen, by accident, when you least expect it, when you're intending to make one thing and then OOPS...something else happens (brain fart, exhaustion, poor concentration, a stroke of genius>) but it tastes just as good or better than the what you were originally trying to achieve. 
Tonight, I was going to make my mother's traditional potato pancakes (or latkes, as they are known in some places) and somewhere along the way I took a wrong turn in Albuquerque, and I accidentally invented my own Indian Potato Pancakes.
WOO-boy! Are they ever good! And if someone else has already invented them, I don't want to know about it. LA-LA-LA-LA-LA! I've got my hands over my ears and I can't hear you! 

Italiano seasoning
Garlic and Herb seasoning

Shred potatoes and garlic.
Add crushed garlic clove.

Throw everything into a food processor to smooth it out so it has the consistency of batter.

Add flour to absorb the moisture of the potatoes.

Okay...this is where I got all creative and added: Turmeric, Cumin powder, garam masala, onion salt, garlic powder and cayenne pepper.

My mother uses more flour and less oil. I've done it here way and the potato pancakes turn out great. 
I accidentally used a lot of oil and less flour,
So, I had to flatten the batter with the spatula and instead of looking like flat pancakes they look more like a giant fritter.

How pretty are they?

They were crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.
Very flavourful and with a little kick from the cayenne.

tongue emoticon

Sunday, 6 March 2016

Brown Butter Bruleed Donut Holes

Woo hoo! 
I just found this fabulous recipe on:
I can't wait to make it.
What are you waiting for. Go check it out!

Brown Butter Brûléed Doughnut Holes