Monday, 7 March 2016

Hurry Up Summer!

Is anyone else sick of winter? I'm so sick of it that I think I've developed a legitimate allergy to it. Whenever it snows, I break out in hives. 
I can't wait for warm air, sunshine beating down on my cold bones and thawing them out, not having to wrap up in heavy coats and boots, being able to open all the windows in the house and GROWING MY OWN HERBS AND VEGETABLES AGAIN!
This is a picture of my back porch last summer and some of my herbs and veggies.
Sadly, some of them became an all-you-can-eat buffet for the neighbourhood raccoons, but what are you gonna do?  
Living in the country is not as glamorous as you would think. I love animals as much as Jane Goodall, but when I am greeted to a pile of raccoon plop on my door step every morning, makes me a little cranky.

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