Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Red Pepper Pasta


Yellow Onion
Bunch of green onions
Red peppers
Fresh basil (and other Italian herbs if you have them).
Garlic bulb (or more if you want to smell up the workplace the next day with your breath).
Chilies (optional)
Italiano Seasoning (by Club House)
Any kind of pasta you like.
I used gluten free Rotini because I find 1) Gluten free food is healthier for me and 2) It has a better/firmer consistency.

Fry yellow onions, green onions and garlic in oil.

Add red peppers (I also used orange coz I ran out of red) and fresh basil. I often roast the peppers in the oven first. I was too lazy this time. 

When they are cooked puree them, but let them be a wee bit chunky.

Pour back into pan

Add cooked pasta of choice. 
Top with shredded Parmesan or Romano cheese on top.
Sprinkle some fresh ground black pepper and chili seeds.
Stir and scarf down.
Sorry about the lighting. As soon as I win the lottery. I'm going to run out and buy a decent camera and sign up for a photography course. 

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