Saturday, 13 February 2016

Laughing Cow Cheese Soup

I love soups during the cold months and can eat them almost every day.
This is a really quick and easy recipe. It's also versatile in that you can use whichever vegetables you like. This one called for zucchini and onion. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Ingredients: zucchini, onion, chicken stock, Laughing Cow cheese, cumin, salt, black pepper(not pictured) and dill (not pictured).

Forgive the terrible quality of the photography.
But you get the gist.
Chop onion and zucchini.

Throw veggies into two cups of chicken broth (or water with chicken boullion cube). 
Cook for 15 mins. The liquid will not cover the veggies, but that's okay. They will steam up quite nice. Taste broth before adding salt. Add pepper and cumin to taste. Add dill if you like it. You can use chervil or mint if you don't like dill. I sometimes add paprika.

Add 4 triangles of cheese. Don't tell anyone but sometimes I use more. 

When soup has slightly cooled off, you puree it in either a food processor or with a hand wand.

The finished product.

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